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County of Riverside

Riverside County Highway 74 Business Corridor

Urban Crossroads, Inc. prepared a Traffic Impact Analysis for the proposed Riverside County Highway 74 Business Corridor (“Project”). The Project proposes to amend the General Plan Foundation Component and accompanying land use designations of approximately 804 gross acres located generally in the Good Hope Community Area. Specifically, the Project proposes changing from Rural (R) and Rural Community (RC) to Community Development (CD) and amend its Land Use Designations from Very Low Density Residential (VLDR) and Rural Residential (RR) to Medium Density Residential (MDR), Commercial Retail (CR), Light Industrial (LI), Mixed Use Area (MUA), and Very High Density Residential (VHDR).

City of Chino

Pine Avenue Extension

Urban Crossroads, Inc. prepared a Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the proposed Pine Avenue Extension (“Project”). The Project is proposed to consist of a four-lane divided roadway on Pine Avenue connecting the State Route 71 (SR-71) Freeway and El Prado Road. The Project consists of constructing a 4-lane divided roadway to extend Pine Avenue from the State Route 71 (SR-71) Freeway to Euclid Avenue (SR-83) in the County of San Bernardino. The purpose of the TIA is to evaluate the potential circulation system deficiencies that may result from the development of the proposed Project, and to recommend improvements to achieve acceptable circulation system operational conditions.

City of Menifee

Fleming Ranch Specific Plan

Urban Crossroads prepared a Traffic Analysis, Air Quality Impact Analysis, and Noise Study for the Fleming Ranch Specific Plan, which is l generally located north of Chambers Avenue between Encanto Drive and Antelope Road. The Project is anticipated to be developed in three phases with a projected Project Buildout in Year 2025.

  • Phase 1 (2020) – the proposed Project is anticipated to include the development of 500 single family detached residential dwelling units
  • Phase 2 (2023) – the proposed Project is anticipated to include an additional 250 single family detached residential dwelling units for a total of 750 dwelling units
  • Phase 3 (2025) – Project Buildout is anticipated to include up to an additional 330 single family detached residential dwelling units for a total of 1,080 dwelling units, up to 225,000 square feet of commercial use, and up to 13.35 acres of sports park use.

County of Riverside

South Campus

Urban Crossroads prepared a Traffic Analysis, Air Quality Impact Analysis, and Noise Study for the South Campus Specific Plan, located within the southwestern portion of the March Joint Powers Authority jurisdiction. The proposed Project involved amending the South Campus Specific Plan, which is a portion of the March Business Center Specific Plan, to shift the mix of land uses to result in similar environmental impacts compared to the South Campus development originally approved in 2003 EIR Phase III and the currently approved South Campus development.

City of Ontario

Merrill Commerce Center Specific Plan

Urban Crossroads prepared a Traffic Analysis, Air Quality Impact Analysis, and Noise Analysis for the proposed Merrill Commerce Center Specific Plan, which is located north of Merrill Avenue between Grove Avenue and Carpenter Avenue. The total development consisted of:

  • Industrial: 6,312,000 square feet of high-cube fulfillment center warehouse use and 701,400 square feet of high-cube cold storage warehouse use.
  • Business Park: 1,441,000 square feet of a mix of uses including merchant wholesale, professional services, professional office, warehouse/storage, and research and development uses.
  • Total of 8,455,000 square feet

City of Fullerton

Goodman Logistics Center

Urban Crossroads prepared a Traffic Analysis, Air Quality Impact Analysis, and Noise Analysis for the Goodman Logistics Center Fullerton development, which is located at the northeast corner of Acacia Avenue and Orangethorpe Avenue. The proposed Project involves the demolition of all existing structures on the Project site, and the redevelopment of the Project site with four buildings totaling 1,561,522 square feet (sf). This includes 1,456,522 sf of high-cube warehouse space – expected to be used for fulfillment center and cold storage uses – and approximately 105,000 sf of office space (ground floor and mezzanine).